Thursday, October 21, 2010

Integration of Winform and XNA is continued

This week, my major work on the project was still the integration of Winform and XNA.
I found out that a smooth integration of these two can be implemented. Yes, they are all in all the children of DotNet framwork. By using the approach of Model View Controler, the GraphicsDevice that deals with graphic calculation and reprentation can be imported and loaded as a Control component in the MainForm.

After other members in our group finish all the user case and sequence diagrams, I think then I'll be able to write down all major interfaces and make a new demo that will run as we expect.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Winform & XNA main framework and some utility classes design

This week, I've made our draft design for Winform & XNA framework.

These some uitility classes that need to be used in our project.

This is for week10

During week10 (from 05/10 - 10/10), I was working at integration of Windows form and XNA project.
I seemed so much work to do in order to let Winform and XNA work together and get keyborad and mouse event handled properly.

The good luck is that the sample code found by Phili has shown the possiblilty. I then got another very cool program source code, where they elegantly use Winform and XNA together. Base on these findings I think next week I'll be able to design our own frame work for our project.